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What is the exchange rate of Zcash (ZEC) in BTC?

The daily exchange rate of Zcash (ZEC) to BTC fluctuated between a high of BTC0.00037789 on Friday and a low of BTC0.00033191 on Sunday in the last 7 days. Within the week, the price of ZEC in BTC had the largest 24-hour price movement on Sunday (3 days ago) by -BTC0.00002902 ( 8.0% ).

How much is Zcash worth?

The current Zcash price is $19.73. In the last 24 hours Zcash price moved -1.42%. The current ZEC to USD conversion rate is $19.73 per ZEC. The circulating supply of Zcash is 15,088,981 ZEC and the current Zcash market cap is $297,705,603. 1,364 ZEC was purchased today on Kraken worth $26,913. Have you placed your ZEC order yet?

What is the lowest price for Zcash (ZEC)?

The lowest price paid for Zcash (ZEC) is BTC0.0003014, which was recorded on Apr 13, 2024 (2 months). Comparatively, the current price is 21.10% higher than the all-time low price. What is the market cap of Zcash (ZEC)? Market capitalization of Zcash (ZEC) is BTC5,153.0476 and is ranked #198 on CoinGecko today.

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